What’s the Difference Between Pages and Blog Posts?

You may be wondering what the difference is between your pages of information and your blog posts with information. Pages and posts vary in SEO reasons in addition to the type of content posted. Although there are no strict rules behind what needs to be posted on each, SEO should be taken into consideration when determining this.


Pages contain your most important content, for example, they contain the “main” topics. Pages are used for valuable information because search engines recognize them as a higher value than blog posts. Any information you feel is valuable to your patients for them to easily access through the menu should be placed on pages. Pages can be used for information about procedures, contact information, about the practice information, technology, or even patient forms. Think of the content that is on the pages as permanent content because it is timeless and relevant to patients always. These are pages that patients will constantly visit for information.

Blog Posts

Since blog posts have a time stamp on them, they are considered of less value. This time stamp shows search engines that the information on the blog is relevant to the date, therefore devaluing the SEO of the post as time goes on. Blog posts are great for giving patients information about holidays, quizzes, any fun facts, news in the dental world, or even office announcements. Blogs carry more value the newer they are, and as more are posted, the old ones shift down the blog feed, lessening the likelihood of readers.

Should I Blog it or Post a Page?

If you are questioning whether the information you want to post should be a blog or a page, think of how relevant the information is. Will your patients need to know this in a year? If the answer is yes, you should post a page. If it’s a simple topic explaining things, like this blog entry for example, keep it as a blog. Be sure to follow SEO guidelines for content writing for best results. This includes a 350-word count minimum. If you don’t have that much to say, you might want to keep it in a blog entry. Of course, nobody will flag you if you post a blog as a page or a page as a blog, it’s merely an educated preference.

Contact Dental Affiliate for Content Marketing

If you want to regularly add a page or blog of content to your website to benefit your website in multiple ways, get into contact with Dental Affiliate to learn more. Not sure if the website on your content is good? Contact us and we will let you know if it’s benefiting or hurting your SEO.