Do you update your website frequently? If your answer is no, let us tell you why it’s important to regularly update your website. Updates can be something as simple as swapping out some text or pictures or adding in a new page of content. Whatever your update is, it’s beneficial to your website, SEO and website viewers. Luckily, clients of HippoMedical can send over minor update requests every month, free of charge, for us to complete in a timely fashion.
Updates Help SEO
One of the easiest and best ways to maintain great visibility on search engines is by regularly making updates to your website. When your website stays stagnant for too long, Google decides to stop crawling your website, forcing your rankings to begin to plummet. However, if your website is regularly making changes, this shows Google that your website is staying updated on the latest information and that it is relevant. This, as a result, helps your website rank higher and stay there.
Also, adding new pictures or fresh content is always great for SEO, especially when it comes to keywords. If someone in your office wants to add some blogs to your website in addition to the ones we are already adding, let us know and we will gladly post them for you. The more content on your website, the better for SEO and for your viewers.
Updates Keep Your Website Up-to-Date
If you recently purchased a new piece of dental technology, that is definitely something noteworthy of adding to your website. When a patient goes onto your website, it’s important that all information on it is current, that way when they call to ask about something on your website, you don’t have to tell them you no longer do that procedure or have that technology. This is a great way to avoid those conversations and give your patients the most recent information about your practice. It’s also great to add information about charity events you have attended or important closures for holidays or due to weather (it’s also great to post these on social media). Website updates are the best way to keep your patients informed about all recent activity in your office.
Updates Improve User Experience
We are all human, so it’s possible we make a mistake on your website. Maybe it’s hard to read the font on a page, or perhaps a link isn’t working. When you notice these problems, it’s important to reach out to us and let us know so we can fix them. We want all users to have a great experience on your website so they continue to go back to it for more information or for your contact information. Any issues you find are worth telling us about so we can keep you and all users happy with their experience!
Updates Are Free – Contact Us Today
Unless you want a complicated update, like a design re-do (which we do for free every 2 years!), we are happy to provide your website updates free of charge! This means you have no excuse not to send us updates every month to keep your information up-to-date. If there are updates you have been meaning to send over to us, contact us at HippoMedical today.